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Roles of the President

What exactly does the president do in the White House? Most citizens understand that the President of the United States is the leader of the country, but they may not be able to explain all the duties and powers that come with that position. The Constitution specifically lists several presidential responsibilities. Other presidential roles have developed as our country has

Public Spaces of the White House

Thousands of people visit the White House every year. During public tours, visitors walk through rooms that have been used by presidents and their families for over two centuries. Years ago, curious guests could knock on the front door of the White House and ask to see inside. Today, visitors wait weeks or even months to gain access for a

Changes to the White House: 1830 - 1952

When studying history, it is important to examine how things can change over time. How did we get from point A to point B? Also, why did we get from point A to point B? From the outside, the White House appears to rarely change. The Residence, along with the East and West Wings, stands as an enduring symbol of

Designing the White House: 1792 - 1830

As the president's office and home, the White House stands as a symbol of American leadership. President George Washington selected the site and approved the final design, but he never had an opportunity to live in the building once known as the "President's Palace." When the initial construction was finished in 1800, John Adams became the first president to occupy this