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White House Historical Association First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy Garden Dedication

On September 23, 2022, the White House Historical Association dedicated a newly installed garden and medallion in honor of former First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy, who played a historic role in preserving Lafayette Square during the Kennedy presidency. First Lady Jill Biden underscored the importance of Mrs. Kennedy’s legacy in a ceremony that took place in front of the historic Decatur House.

The Jacqueline Kennedy Medallion, the centerpiece of the newly dedicated Jacqueline Kennedy Garden, is a bas relief of Mrs. Kennedy by renowned American artist Chas Fagan, who combines his artistic gifts with his knowledge of history. The medallion features her famous words “The White House belongs to the American people.”

Mrs. Kennedy’s dedication to the preservation of history dates back to the 1960s, when plans were underway to remove all of the historic buildings around the park, including Decatur House. She effectively advocated to safeguard the historic area. The fruits of her labor are what we know today as Lafayette Square.

White House Historical Association