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In Memoriam (Garfield’s Funeral March)

Famous composer and head of the Marine Band John Philip Sousa was shocked by President Garfield’s death: “With the event weighing heavily on his mind he walked all through the night and into the next morning. When he returned home he immediately committed the dirge ‘In Memoriam’ to paper.” The U.S. Marine Band played the march as the president’s body proceeded through Washington, as well as when the president was laid to rest in Cleveland, Ohio.

Famous composer and head of the Marine Band John Philip Sousa was shocked by President Garfield’s death: “With the event weighing heavily on his mind he walked all through the night and into the next morning. When he returned home he immediately committed the dirge ‘In Memoriam’ to paper.” The U.S. Marine Band played the march as the president’s body proceeded through Washington, as well as when the president was laid to rest in Cleveland, Ohio.

United States Marine Band/YouTube