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Andrew Jackson Statue, Lafayette Square

A slave helps craft this statue and the Capitol's statue of freedom... A statue of Andrew Jackson at the Battle of New Orleans occupies the center of Lafayette Square. Erected in 1853, it was the first bronze statue cast in the country and the first equestrian statue in the world to be balanced solely on the horse's hind legs. The sculptor,


The Presidents Timeline

GEORGE WASHINGTON | 1789-1797 JOHN ADAMS | 1797-1801 THOMAS JEFFERSON | 1801-1809 JAMES MADISON | 1809-1817 JAMES MONROE | 1817-1825 JOHN QUINCY ADAMS | 1825-1829 ANDREW JACKSON | 1829-1837 MARTIN VAN BUREN | 1837-1841 WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON | 1841 JOHN TYLER | 1841-1845 JAMES K. POLK | 1845-1849 ZACHARY TAYLOR | 1849-1850 MILLARD FILLMORE | 1850-1853 FRANKLIN PIERCE | 1853-1857 JAMES BUCHANAN | 1857-1861 ABRAHAM LINCOLN | 1861-1865 ANDREW JOHNSON | 1865-1869 ULYSSES S. GRANT | 1869-1877 RUTHERFORD B.


Orphan Becomes White House Steward

The frigate United States left Port Mahone, Minorca, arriving in New York City on December 25, 1834. On board was an orphan boy about seven years of age, Valentino Melah, a native of Messina, Sicily. His fortunes would lead him into the hotel business in Manhattan (the Astor House), New Orleans (the St. Charles), Long Branch, New Jersey (the Stetson), and his