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The White House Remembered: President Richard M. Nixon

Richard Nixon served as the 37th President of the United States from 1969 until his resignation in 1974. Hugh Sidey met with him in his home in Woodcliff, New Jersey in 1993 for lunch and conversation and remembers he talked for a long time that day. Nixon seemed to remember every sound, sight and corner of the White House.


The White House Remembered: President Jimmy Carter

Jimmy Carter served as the 39th President of the United States from 1977 to 1981. Hugh Sidey conducted the following interview with him in the mid-1990s and explains former Presidents are in some ways more harried than the sitting president. Sidey's interview with President Carter had to be over the phone because of his global itinerary.


The White House Remembered: President Ronald Reagan

Ronald Reagan served two terms as president of the United States from 1981 to 1989. Hugh Sidey interviewed the former president in Los Angeles shortly after he left office, and observes that despite the tragedy of the early onset of Alzheimer's Disease, the text of the interview contains the old Reagan sparkle and humor and the reverence for the White House and


Unveiling the 2015 White House Christmas Ornament

HGTV star Genevieve Gorder helped us unveil the 2015 White House Christmas Ornament at the Willard Hotel in Washington, D.C. This 2015 ornament celebrates the presidency of Calvin Coolidge and the first lighting of the National Christmas Tree in 1923.This is the 35th annual White House Historical Association ornament, which has been produced in the United States since 1981.Stay tuned through


The White House Remembered: President Gerald Ford

Gerald Ford served as the 38th president of the United States, from 1974-1977. Hugh Sidey interviewed the president at his office in Palm Desert, California, nearly 40 years after the president left office left office. His memories of his time in the White House are read here by Hugh Sidey.


Introduction to The White House Remembered

These interviews with Presidents Richard M. Nixon, Gerald R. Ford, Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan were compiled and edited by Time magazine White House correspondent Hugh S. Sidey for the White House Historical Association. The goal was to get observations and recollections of their times in the White House—the big things and the small things, the great moments of st


The White House Remembered

In 2005, The White House Historical Association released The White House Remembered,Volume 1: Recollections by Presidents Richard M. Nixon, Gerald R. Ford, Jimmy Carter, and Ronald Reagan, edited by Hugh Sidey. The audio edition of this volume, read by the editor himself, is at the bottom of this article. The publication of volume 2, recollections by Presidents George H. W. Bush and