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A White House Exhibit on the National Parks

Since the Kennedy administration, White House Christmas decorations have been designed each year to coincide with a specific theme. Many themes are based on traditional holiday subjects, while others are associated with projects favored by the first ladies. For Christmas 2007, First Lady Laura Bush chose to showcase our nation’s scenic wonders and historic treasures with “Holiday in the National Park


Eleanor Roosevelt's "My Day," 7/31/1942

WASHINGTON, D.C., Thursday—The other members of Mr. Hopkins'1 family arrived yesterday, including little Diana,2 who, with the new Mrs. Hopkins' niece3 and nephew,4 is having an interesting time investigating every corner of the White House.My only appointment this morning was with Mr. Edward H. Cooley5 and Mr. William T. Frary.6 Their interest is in the fisheries industry, an


Eleanor Roosevelt's "My Day," 8/7/1942

WASHINGTON, Thursday—Yesterday afternoon, with the rain falling intermittently and gray skies, the Queen of the Netherlands1 came to Washington. It was an unpublicized visit, so even had the weather been kind, there would have been no opportunity for crowds to gather in the streets.However, the Queen was cheered several times along the way to the White House and by


Eleanor Roosevelt's "My Day," 8/8/1942

WASHINGTON, Friday—The sun shone yesterday and the weather has certainly been kind, because it has not been oppressively warm either yesterday or today. I went with Queen Wilhelmina1 to the Capitol and sat in the gallery to listen to her as she addressed those members of the Senate and the House who were in session and some of their fr