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President Carter Arrives at Camp David to Discuss Iran Hostage Crisis

President Carter Arrives at Camp David to Discuss Iran Hostage Crisis

This photograph captures President Jimmy Carter arriving at Camp David in Catoctin Mountain Park, Maryland on November 23, 1979. Accompanying President Carter on the helicopter trip from the White House to Camp David was, from left to right, Secretary of Defense Harold Brown, Secretary of State Cyrus R. Vance, and Vice President Walter F. Mondale. The group was on hand to meet and discuss the Iran Hostage Crisis, which began earlier that month, on November 4. The hostages would be held for 444 days, until January 20, 1981.

This photograph captures President Jimmy Carter arriving at Camp David in Catoctin Mountain Park, Maryland on November 23, 1979. Accompanying President Carter on the helicopter trip from the White House to Camp David was, from left to right, Secretary of Defense Harold Brown, Secretary of State Cyrus R. Vance, and Vice President Walter F. Mondale. The group was on hand to meet and discuss the Iran Hostage Crisis, which began earlier that month, on November 4. The hostages would be held for 444 days, until January 20, 1981.

Marion S. Trikosko
Date of Work
November 23, 1979
Library of Congress