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Obituary notice of James Hoban

Obituary notice of James Hoban

Obituary notice of James Hoban, National Intelligencer (Washington, D.C.), December 9, 1831.

It reads:

Died, in this city, on the 8th instant, Capt. James Hoban, aged about seventy-three years. Capt. Hoban was by profession an Architect, and emigrated to this country, from Ireland, at the close of the American Revolution. He first settled in Charleston, South Carolina, from whence he was invited to the City of Washington to superintend the erection of the Public Buildings. He designed, and obtained the premium for, the President's House, and both built and re-built in. He also superintended the architecture of the Capitol for a considerable time.

In private life, Capt. Hoban possessed, in a very high degree, the esteem and confidence of his fellow citizens. He was hospitable, generous, and charitable. In his regard for the just claims and feelings of others, he was scrupulously nice and particular. Such men are blessings to society whilst they live, and, even after death, instruct by example.

His funeral will take place at 10 o'clock This Morning to which his friends are respectfully invited. Dec. 9.

A Friend.

Date of Work
December 9, 1831
Richard Napoli, Journal #22 page 56